In September 2011, Eide Industries, Inc. completed this intricate tensioned fabric structure envisioned by LTL Architects for the Claremont University Consortium in Claremont, California. Eide assisted with the design refinement of three large fabric membranes, with an approximate coverage area of 2,434 square feet, to create 51 inter-connected Dual Flying Mast Frame sections. The non-symmetrical sizes throughout the structure created distinct challenges with both engineering and installing each membrane pattern; however, through Eide’s design refinement process we were able to sustain the required artistic shapes.
White Shelter-Rite 8028 Flame Resistant High-Performance Architectural Tent Fabric was selected for the top cover to meet the stringent wind-load criteria. Each bay section utilizes galvanized cables, hot dipped galvanized tensioning rods, turnbuckles, and aluminum awning rail along the perimeter to create the distinct forms. Eide Industries, Inc. successfully completed this bold and functional tension structure to meet the architect’s concept and exceed the client’s expectations.
Project Name: Claremont University Consortium
Project Location: Claremont, CA
Year Completed:
Membrane Type: White Shelter-Rite 8028 Flame Resistant High-Performance Architectural Tent Fabric
Wind Loads:
Total Project Size: Various Sizes, from 11’ to 16’ Long x 7’ to 10’ Projection