The design and permitting process certainly positions most tension structures as a long-term construction initiative. After all, generally speaking, there’s a lot that goes into building a tension structure from start to finish. From initial consultations to sketches, engineering, zoning, and more; this multi-step process is well worth the wait, but doesn’t always match every client’s timeline.
That’s where modular tension structures come in. Our team at Eide Industries has developed a variety of predesigned products that significantly cut down turnaround time.
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What Sets Modular Tension Structures Apart?
As a building manager or property owner, you’ve already got a busy schedule. On a regular basis, you’re dealing with any number of operational needs that demand your attention. So it’s only natural that when you decide a tension structure is right for you, you’d want to streamline the process of choosing and installing said structure so that you can go back to focusing on what’s most important – your business.
The biggest market differentiators of pre designed modular tension structures are the ease of decision-making, the speed of assembly, and the maximization of budgets. No need to spend weeks designing every aspect of your new tension structure. No need to spend additional time waiting for production or installation. And no need for a budget that breaks the bank.
An Easy Decision
Pre Designed modular tension structures make it easy for any property to select and install a beautiful, functional piece of architecture without having to worry about the normal turnaround process. Our guide provides a number of options that cover a variety of design aesthetics and functions so that you and your team will find the perfect solution for your property’s needs.
Ease of Installation
With any Tension structure installation comes the need for heavy equipment. The construction phase of tensile systems is a critical element to the overall success of a project, and since our installation department is certified to construct even the most elaborate tensioned fabric structures – putting together a modular design that they’ve rehearsed over and over is a no brainer. The modularity of our designs means that they’re good to go as soon as you are!
Maximization of Budget
Our time-tested designs aren’t just carefully curated to meet the highest standards – they’re built to maximize your budget too. There are virtually no limitations to the size and complexity of tensile structures that we can build. With that said, as with any business, economies of scale mean that you get a quality product for a fraction of the price of a custom design build. Since we’ve already manufactured every fabric membrane, support beam, and screw, our pre designed modular tension structure customers win every time.
Get Your Tension Structure Initiative Started
In the Tension Structures Division of Eide Industries, we specialize in the design, engineering, manufacturing, and installation of structurally complex and creatively challenging commercial, government, and prototype design projects. We provide expertise and support for architects, landscape designers, general contractors, and property owners to develop their custom tensile membrane project ideas and construct iconic structures. Explore the options for your next project. Contact one of our experts today by calling 800-422-6827.